Our values & principles

Barnet Home Carers works with a clear set of values that are placed in front and centre of everything we do.  We plan and carry out our work based on these values and we expect all of our staff to sign up to them and work by them.

Outlined below are our organisational values:


Barnet Home Carers Logo

We specialise in providing a highly personalised at-Homecare service to individuals and their loved ones. We consider all of you, our clients, as members of our extended family and in ensuring your ever changing needs are continually supported, we hope, a long and supportive friendship.


We will treat all of the people we work with and for with compassion and genuine care.


We will treat all of the people we work with and for with the utmost respect and dignity.


We will work together with individuals and organisations to make sure that we are fulfilling our values and working towards a community that cares.


We will be clear and open in all of our dealings with everyone. We will not hide anything and we welcome feedback to improve our service.


We will do what we say we will do at all times. We can be trusted to deliver the services we have undertaken.


Service to individuals and service to the community lies at the heart of what we do as an organisation.

Our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission, the body responsible for ensuring quality standards in health and social care.

We are a network partner of the Carers Trust and use their policy framework to ensure that we are delivering care of the highest quality.

We are an approved supplier to the London Borough of Barnet and also deliver support to adult and young carers on contract to the authority.

You have the right to…



have care and support provided which is appropriate to your needs


be supported by staff who are properly trained and who provide care in a friendly, caring and respectful manner


be treated as an individual, and to make your own decisions


request a review of your support/care package at any time


have the choice of living in your own home


decide who will and who will not enter your home


have your values, beliefs and chosen lifestyle respected at all times


have personal privacy for yourself and your belongings and affairs


be listened to at all times and to have your thoughts, opinions and attitudes respected and considered


have your personal dignity respected at all times


be encouraged and supported to be as independent as possible


participate as fully as possible in developing your support/personal care plan


not be discriminated against for any reason such as race, age, colour, religion, sexual orientation, physical and financial circumstances and to have all such needs respected and accepted

The care services that Barnet Carers Centre provides are regulated and inspected by the Care Quality Commission.  We were inspected in June 2021 and were rated as Good.

People told us that staff were kind and caring. Comments included “The staff are kind, caring and respectful observing his privacy and dignity.” And “They treat him with dignity and respect, love and compassion.”

Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about people’s preferences, personalities and things that were important to them. This indicated staff had caring relationships with the people they looked after.

Staff told us that they had enough time to engage with people to make sure that each person had everything they needed

Staff comments include “I’m always kind and just simply respect people” and “We make sure we have time for them, hold their hand if necessary to encourage and reassure them.”

Your Home Care Starts Here

Enquire about your future homecare today.

Or call — 0203 995 1909

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